MerseyNewsLive reporters were themselves in the spotlight last night as the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies (APSS) welcomed Liverpool John Moores University’s board of governors for a fully immersive showcase.
The visit exhibited the unique way of studying which combines academic learning with vocational development, to keep up with industry standards and demands.

The team at Mersey News Live showcased a live newsday to the board of governors. This included a bulletin presented by student journalists Coni Harpham and Adam Tiffen.
The bulletin displayed the partnership between LJMU and Merseyside Police and the Criminal Justice Board, with a video showing Chief Constable Serena Kennedy during her lecture in LJMU’s John Lennon Art and Design Building last week.
Mike Parker, Chair of the Board of Governors, and Andrew Ibi, Associate Dean for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, were present at the event with the two featuring in Ciara Bolton’s video report. Watch here:
The visit was the first time the board of governors had visited the APSS faculty and featured a talk by Mr Ibi on how the university is tackling the challenges of inclusivity and diversity.
FACE – Fashion Academics Creating Equality – was founded by Mr Ibi and aims to challenge higher education, further education and the fashion industry to be more inclusive, unified and equal.

The group works specifically with issues concerning race, colour and ethnicity and aims to improve the rates of staff and student progression, especially the rates of under-represented races and ethnicities.
The event displayed work from schools throughout the University including the Liverpool Business School and School of Justice Studies.
To see the entire bulletin watch here:
Featured image © Michelle Ponting