Last Christmas was a very unusual Christmas for everyone in the UK.

Covid-19 was at one of its highest transmission rates and caused Christmas to be basically ‘cancelled’.

People who usually would be attending Christmas markets, shopping for stocking fillers, seeing family and having a turkey were limited to a group of six ‘permit’ for the day and were not allowed to have the proper festivities that usually come around when December hits.

In Oxton village on the Wirral, their annual Christmas fair and light switch-on was among the many events to be cancelled last year.

However, this time around the popular event went ahead and on Saturday thousands turned up to watch Mayor of the Wirral, George Davies, count from 10 and light up the streets of Oxton for Christmas.

Mayor of the Wirral, George Davies getting ready to turn on the lights. Photo Credit: Ellie Rochell
the event saw thousands turn up to see the streets of the village lit up for Christmas. Photo Credit: Ellie Rochell

The festive fair has been a popular and much-loved event for the village for years and sees a wide range of different markets and activities – and even a visit from Santa himself to bring the Christmas cheer to people of all ages.

Merseynewslive spoke to the Mayor about the switch on and his view on the village and the event itself. See what he said below:

You can also check out more about the light switch on event and discover more about what George had to say regarding the event in our magazine MNL later today.


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