Welcome to this week’s edition of MNL magazine – it’s jam-packed with news and events from across Merseyside, writes sub-editor SOPHIE MOORE.
Luke Pollitt joins a mock disaster day for LJMU policing students to tackle several scenarios they are likely to face once they join the force, while Oli Johnson reports on the latest university strikes and union action across the region.
Catrin Jones talks to LJMU graduate Connor Dunn about his career in both journalism and public relations. Amna Akram speaks to RSAA Merseyside, who have started an orange ribbon campaign which encourages women to leave a orange ribbon in public spaces in a place where they ever felt unsafe.

Sophia Smith chats to former Desperate Scousewife Amanda Harrington about her new cook book ‘At home with Miss Harrington’ which is coming out today. Two self-styled “unemployable” brothers went on to start a fashion business, as Ella Williams reports.
We take the time to celebrate authors this month – Sophie Moore talks to a Liverpool writer who at the age of 80 is publishing his first novel, while former LJMU journalism student Sean has also published a new book. as Evan Barton reports.
To round off the festive celebrations, Gabby Bergonzi, reports on the Illumination Street contest.