Boris Johnson has today announced his proposed four-month ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown.
Boris Johnson will address the public with his plan for the easing of lockdown restrictions in England at 7pm.
The current national measures, which began on January 4th, are part of the third lockdown to slow Covid-19.
The report confirms that schools and colleges will open as planned on March 8th.
This date will also see people in Merseyside allowed to meet a friend socially in a public, outdoor space.
The proposed measures are subject to review, but should allow Liverpool’s hospitality sector to open from mid-April.
Those in Merseyside and beyond will be happy to hear the proposed end to limits on social contact in June.

Here are the highlights of Boris Johnson’s four step Covid-19 spring ‘roadmap‘ out of lockdown.
Step 1 – March 8th
Schools and colleges in England will reopen, as will practical Higher Education courses.
One person will be able to meet one other person in an outdoor, public space to socialise.
Single households can also enjoy outdoor, public spaces.
Funerals can take place with up to 30 people, whilst wakes and weddings can have six people.
March 29th
The ‘rule of six’ will return with up to six people from different households allowed to meet outside.
Any number of people from only two households will be able to meet outside.
People will no longer have to remain in their local area, meaning travelling to visit people in an outdoor setting will be allowed.
Organised outdoor sports will also be allowed to return, as outdoor sport and leisure facilities open.
Outdoor parent & child groups can meet with up to 15 parents.

Step 2 – April 12th
From mid-April, it is likely that gyms, non-essential shops and personal care premises will be able to open.
Restaurants and hospitality will be able to provide services in outdoor spaces.
Libraries, community centres and indoor activity groups for children and parents could start for up to 15 parents.
Those in the same household will be able to take overnight stays and use self-contained accommodation.
Outdoor attractions including zoos, theme parks and drive-in cinemas may also be opening in April.
Wakes, weddings and receptions will see the numbers of guests increased to 15.
Pilots for events are also scheduled to begin from April 12th.
Step 3 – May 17th
The limit on the number of people allowed to meet outdoors could be increased to 30.
The rule of 6, or two households could be extended to include indoor meetings, though this is subject to review.
May could also see indoor entertainment and attractions open to the public, including organised indoor sport.
It is likely that all domestic overnight stays will be allowed, with any remaining accommodation opening up.
Outdoor entertainment including performances are set to return mid-May alongside some large events.
The maximum number of guests for significant life events, including weddings will be increased to 30.
International travel may even be permitted, but this is subject to review.
Step 4 – June 21st
From June 21st, the government hopes to remove legal limits on social contact and all life events.
This would allow nightclubs to open and larger events to go ahead.
However, the roll out of Boris Johnson’s ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown depends on four crucial tests.
Test 1:
The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully.
Test 2:
Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated.
Test 3:
Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS.
Test 4:
The government’s assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern.
If all of these tests are passed, then plans should continue as outlined above.
Featured image by Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing Street