Friday, March 28, 2025
Home Reviews


Flash, bang, wallop! – this panto is a real Beauty

Panto season has begun (oh yes, it has!) and St Helens Theatre Royal is bringing you a short-run production of Sleeping Beauty. The show itself was very playful and fun, catering to the younger audience, but only runs until this...
LIMF festival (c) Mollie Hankin

Open Sauce: An evening of live music at Liverpool’s LIMF academy

This weekend LIMF Academy, a well-established musical organisation, hosted a two-day show based in the Baltic Triangle at District, to celebrate their success over the past decade. It was also an opportunity to showcase the talents that have been produced...
The Salon at St Helen's Theatre Royal (c) Niamh McKay

Sequel to The Salon proves follow-ups can be fab

The public’s opinion of sequels, whether it’s a reboot or a second movie, is that nothing is better than the original. But not in this case - The Salon is back at St Helen’s Theatre Royal, and it’s better than...
Porcelain Delaney (c) DaDa

Diary of hope shines new light on hidden condition

Liverpool-based deaf and disabled charity DaDa are putting on a variety of performances to highlight talent and art from the disabled and neurodivergent community. Among these performances is the Toilet Paper Diaries, by Porcelain Delaney, at the Unity Theatre...

Tardis time: Ranking all 13 Doctors from Doctor Who

As the UK gets ready for 'Red Nose Day' on Friday, Doctor Who fans have been thrilled to see David Tennant appearing in trailers for the charity event.   Back in October, I, like many long-time fans of the show, was delighted...
Jekyll and Hyde poster image

One-man marathon through 19th century classic is a triumph

Mark Stratford held the audience in the palm of his hands at Hope Street Theatre last night, during his one man adaptation of the famous Robert Louis Stevenson novella. The play stayed faithful to its 19th century roots, while at...
goldilocks and the three bears panto

Hilarious twist on traditional Goldilocks tale is a family treat

With Christmas around the corner, what better way to feel the cheer than attending a pantomime - but how do you know which are just as much fun for the adults as the kids? Well, after watching the performance last...

Hope, humour and family shine through at the fabulous Mazzie

Review: Masquerade / Epstein Theatre Hurrying down the street in the freezing cold on my way to the Epstein Theatre, I was confused to see an '80s gay bar stood in its place. Upon entering, the atmosphere could not have been...

Dramatic way to tackle tricky topic of men’s mental health

Addressing men’s mental health can be seen as a taboo and an uneasy challenge - but with “What He Said”, Pique Niche Theatre Company have managed to tackle these issues in a compelling and dramatic way. The event, on November...
Rita, Sue and Bob Too © David Munn

Hilarious adult must-see stands the test of time

Rita, Sue and Bob Too! is an much-loved piece of work that truly stands the test of time. Originally, I questioned the popularity of a 40-year-old play based on the grooming of two teenage girls ... but the packed...