A new touring exhibition is making it easier for culture vultures to view the esteemed Sistine Chapel up close.
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition arrived at the Trafford Centre on the outskirts of Manchester as part of an international tour, making the iconic Rome venue accessible for North West art fans.

The exhibit hall was filled with colour and light as Michelangelo’s finest work was displayed throughout the room.
The exhibit is hailed as ‘a life-sized, up-close, never before seen perspective’ giving visitors a viewing and audio experience, using an audio device to get an in-depth insight to the image before them.
After asking a visitor whether they would travel to the actual Sistine chapel after visiting the exhibit, they responded: “It’s one of those places you always see in popular culture but never think to go there.”
They continued: “I would like to see it but I’m not sure how the experience would be, being there when it’s quite so high up.
“The reason we wanted to see this today is you get a much more close up idea of what the paintings actually look like.”

Michelangelo first gained fame through his sculptures, most famously Pieta and David, when he was commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel.
Created from 1508 to 1512, the 68 ft high ceiling houses brush stroke scenes from the Old Testament, starting with the creation of the world and ending with the story of Noah and the flood.
Another visitor described their favourite image: “When Eve gets kicked out of the garden the serpent is depicted as a lady with instead of legs, she has a serpent’s tail wrapped around a tree. I really like that, it’s cool.”

The display has just finished its visit to Manchester and will be opening in Birmingham tomorrow.
The exhibit has been touring the globe and already has visited the likes of major cities such as Mexico City and Nashville.
The original chapel is close to St Peter’s Basilica and Belvedere Courtyard in the Vatican.
Featured image taken by Georgia Chapman.