Merseyside police have partnered with Violence Reduction Partnership and Liverpool City Council to raise awareness on the ‘Youknowwho’ campaign across Dingle and Toxteth.
The campaign is highlighting ‘cuckooing’: the act of criminals taking over the home of someone vulnerable for the purpose of selling and storing drugs.
These vulnerable people may be isolated, financially struggling, disabled or have a dependency on drugs and alcohol.
Local Policing Inspector Dave Uren said: “There are vulnerable members of our community who are being preyed on and exploited and it has to be stopped.”
The advertising van for the campaign has been around the area to spread the message on ‘cuckooing’ and to help people spot the signs.

Policing Inspector Dave Uren said: “The leaflets we have distributed in the area allow residents to simply and completely anonymously give information to us, so we can help these vulnerable people out of the scary and often dangerous positions they find themselves in.”
Cabinet Member for Communities, Councillor Liz Parsons said: “This can happen in any area and we know that neighbours and ordinary people in the community are key to spotting the signs, raising the alarm and getting help for those affected.”
Merseyside Police’s Project Medusa, designed to tackle criminal groups for this sort of activity will continue to use tactics to disrupt those responsible in and around Toxteth and Dingle.
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Images Courtesy of Merseyside Police.