The Good Lie is an American drama film starring Reese Witherspoon. It was first aired in 2014, written by Margaret Nagle and directed by Phillipe Falardeau but, given the ongoing plight of refugees it is a compelling watch today.
The film is based on a true story. It describes the lives of six siblings – Mamere, Paul, Jeremiah, Theo, Daniel, and Abigail- who escaped their village in Sudan during the civil war. Although the soldiers captured Theo, he managed to hide his siblings.
After walking in the desert for 750 miles, the youngsters reached the UN refugee camp in Kakuma, Kenya. Daniel died in the camp and his siblings spent most of their childhood living in the camp, where after 13 years were resettled to Kansas, US.
By watching the film, you get an insight into how the UN operates on the ground and the process of the refugee resettlement programme.
I was taken aback by the fact that the refugees must pay back the resettlement funds to the UN.
I also raised an eyebrow that when the date of birth is unknown to the organisation, they are registered as born on January 1st in the official documents.
The element of faith is influential throughout the film. The bible is one of the few possessions they have. However, it is hope and faith that helped them to overcome all the hurdles.
This immensely appealing drama is based on Margaret Nagle’s screenplay. The story is spiced up with humorous bits, such as the refugees’ reaction to ice rinks, the telephone and Carrie’s (Witherspoon) independence.
Rating: ♦♦♦♦♦