Although the Halloween period is a fun time of year for many individuals, every year Mischief Night comes around to the dismay of homeowners who fear the threats of vandalism.
Mischief Night began with harmless pranks and tricks, but has become much more troublesome over time, with houses and cars getting smashed with bricks and fireworks being let off on streets being just a few common acts.
Violent incidents have been occurring on Mischief Night, also known as ‘Mizzy Night’, for decades in Merseyside, which leads to many worrying about what to do if vandals strike their property, and should physical force to defend it be a last resort or not?
Merseyside Police said that many more police officers will be patrolling neighbourhoods from October 30 to November 5 and that Dispersal Zones will be put in place around Liverpool if for any reason there are reports of antisocial behaviour and criminal damage throughout the time periods.
This will allow police officers the power to direct people they suspect are causing crime, fear and acting in an anti-social behaviourally way to leave a specific area and not return for up to 48 hours.
If they disobeyed and refused to leave the area, they would be committing an offence and be arrested at that moment.
it is ideal to try and capture evidence of the incident
The police force is also urging shop keepers to not sell any fireworks to under-18s as well as eggs and cans of shaving foam as these are often the vandal’s use of items.
Merseyside Law firm legal secretary Loretta Moore told MNL: “There’s not many rights in the UK when it comes to protecting property, but it is ideal to try and capture evidence of the incident, instead of defending yourself with physical defence.
“If somebody damages your property however, you are the victim of a criminal damage, and you should report this to the police.”
- If you or somebody you know has been the victim of vandalism or another crime, contact the Merseyside Police by calling 999.