Liverpool City Council’s first major housing scheme in over 30 years is set to clear its final hurdle this week.
The scheme at Denford Road in Dovecot aims to deliver 105 homes in partnership with Merseyside developer Lovell and local provider Riverside.
A report will be discussed at Friday’s (March 5th) Cabinet meeting to seek approval for the council to enter into a contract with Lovell.
This contract will see Lovell as both developer and funding partner, and trigger a start on site date later this month.
The project shows the increased emphasis the council has placed on housing delivery in recent months.
The scheme will contain a mix of homes for affordable and social rent.
Councillor Barry Kushner, Cabinet Member for Housing, said:
“It will be a landmark moment for Liverpool City Council to green light its first house building scheme for 30 years – and crucially these plans realise our ambition to provide high quality housing.

“As a council we are signing up to the Healthy Homes Act that guarantees energy efficient and lifetime homes and the properties at Denford Road will meet those standards.”
Improving the quality and choice of homes available to residents is one of the objectives of the Liverpool City Plan.
The council is also working with Homes England and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to develop an outline planning application for Stonebridge Cross in Croxteth.
A report will be put forward in the same cabinet meeting to seek approval to allow the council to enter into funding agreements.
Approval would see a pre-planning survey progress in order to produce a masterplan for the site.
This potential scheme seeks to align with the Council’s emerging Housing Strategy and Housing Capital programme by setting out to deliver transformational housing change.
A full business case for Stonebridge Cross is anticipated to be presented back this autumn, after which a planning application can be made.
The council recently formed a Strategic Housing Delivery Team to oversee the project.
They will lead a consultation with stakeholders and liaise with the local community.
The council is also already working with Homes England on a development zone next to Festival Gardens in the south of the city.
The application for 1,500 ‘eco-friendly’ homes is expected to be submitted in early 2023.
Councillor Kushner said: “A lot of work has been undertaken to scope out the housing needs of Liverpool in recent years.
“The potential developments next to Festival Gardens and at Stonebridge Cross underline the council’s ambition to make a positive difference in our housing market.”
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Featured image by Sue Adair.