Friday, March 7, 2025
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UK news

Schools across England given new guidance on students using phones

  The Government has released new guidance for schools in order to stop the use of mobile phones being used during school hours. Statistics released by OFCOM suggest that 97% of children own a mobile phone by the age of 12,...
Liverpool City Centre

Liverpool City Council’s emergency energy contract to start

Liverpool City Council has been advised to start working on its plan to purchase energy from renewable sources starting in 2026. The recommendation comes as the council aims to secure a competitive deal and reduce its carbon footprint. The council has...
Liverpool and Shanghai celebrate 25 years of twinning (c) Liverpool City Council

Liverpool City Council celebrates 25th Anniversary of China and Shanghai

  Liverpool City Council is extending an invitation to education partners to take part in a special business mission to China. Liverpool's twinning with Shanghai has been a significant milestone in the city's history, and this business mission presents an  opportunity...
Photo by Bebe Lynch-Platt

Closure threat as Mersey bars and clubs reel from spending crisis

The crisis facing the night-time economy on Merseyside continues to pose a threat as more independent venues face closure. In Liverpool, Jimmy's and Melodic Distraction were both forced to close their doors towards the end of last year, and many...

LJMU expert helps identify longest-living dog breeds

A researcher at LJMU has helped reveal that certain dog breeds are more likely to have a shorter life span than others. Brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs such as pugs have a 40% increased risk of living shorter lives than typical-faced dogs...
King Charles (c) Wikimedia Commons

Liverpudlians share concern over King Charles’ cancer diagnosis

The news that King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer is the theme of this week's MNL podcast. The king has recently been in hospital following an operation on an enlarged prostate that was not cancerous and was due to...
Photo by Jametlene Reskp, Twitter

Dismay as Liverpool overlooked again in Michelin awards

Liverpool has once again missed out on the Michelin Awards in 2024. Restaurants in Liverpool city centre eagerly awaited results last night to discover whether any restaurants would gain or retain Michelin stars. However, it was a disappointing outcome, with...
Wirral council discusses future of SEND service (c) Atanas Paskalev, Unsplash

Campaign urges Merseysiders to test for HIV

Wirral Council are supporting local charity Sahir House, Sexual Health Wirral and other local groups in an effort to encourage individuals to test for sexual transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV. This week is National HIV testing week, a campaign...
Buckingham Palace (c) Creative Commons via

Liverpool homeowners pay twice as much council tax as King Charles

Some Liverpool homeowners are paying twice the amount of council tax that King Charles pays on Buckingham Palace. Despite sitting in the highest council tax band H, Buckingham Place was charged £1,828 by Westminster City Council, whereas a Liverpool home...

MerseyNewsLive lunchtime TV bulletin December 5 2023

Sadie Gilbert presents your lunchtime TV news bulletin from the heart of Liverpool: