How Liverpool vocal coach Jennifer John is using lockdown to empower others
A Liverpool vocal coach is using singing to empower others by creating a global virtual choir and raising funds for some of the city's most vulnerable people during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jennifer John was inspired by a song she had written years ago, but which would take on an entirely new meaning for her in March 2020.
“No one’s getting left behind” by this Liverpool coffee shop
Lockdown has been a difficult year for all businesses, particularly independently run hospitality, but Liverpool coffee shop owner Anthony Grice has turned it into a triumph.
Six things you didn’t know about Esports
Registration for the new ePremier League 2019/20 season is scheduled to open on Monday 4 November. With Liverpool’s Donovan Hunt looking to defend his title, we decided to take a look at six things you didn’t know about competitive...
Andy Bennett takes 1st place at Partridge Lakes
Andy Bennett finished in 1st place after a rewarding day of fishing at the Partridge Lakes open match on Tuesday, 22 October in Warrington.
Andy Bennett, 34, came out on top in a tight match at the fishery. After he...