It’s that time of year again, when families throw on their most festive *cough* ugly *cough* Christmas jumpers and take photos in front of the fire.
Whether it’s you, your pet, your kids or your “willing” partner, no one can escape the clutches of an ugly Christmas sweater.

Rhian Griffith and Andrew Starkey are big fans of a Christmas jumper.
Their collection includes a Doctor Who themed jumper, maths equations, a bicycle Christmas tree and cars!

Santa’s little helpers are also looking a little different this years. It’s not only us people getting into the festive spirit in 2023:

Dexter and Mitzi decided that their inspiration was “Santa Clause” himself, and they’re both very excited about it.
I’ve been told they would like to “skip the cold,” next year though.
Now for the very lucky – unlucky – few whose mums dressed them all up all nice for family photos to post on their Facebook.

Nicky Lacey decided to go the opposite of our little helpers and dress her family as elves – while managing to get out of it herself.
This year’s Christmas card maybe? I’m sure the boys would be happy.

Over at the Waudby household, TJ, Ellis and Keeley are all ready for their Christmas dinner.
Everyone needs to look good for when Rudolph comes along.

Lydia Crumpton decided to keep it tame this time, although I hear she made an appearance as the Grinch himself for one year..
She reminds us we don’t all need to dress as elves or Doctor Who jumpers to out do everyone.
Her explosion of colours and pictures is enough to do it!
Show us your Christmas jumpers and tag us on twitter @merseynewslive
Featured image (c) Desternie Hills