A Liverpool woman is planning to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in aid of the anti-knife charity No More Knives.
The climb will take place in February.
Two of Faye’s close friends have a business called Adventure Code and lead group walks. She began walking with the group last year without knowing anyone, which she described as completely out of character and life-changing for her.
She said: “I have met so many amazing, beautiful people through being involved, and it helped me grow so much as a person.
“When they told me they were doing Kilimanjaro, I thought what an amazing opportunity and chance to really push myself out of my comfort zone.”
She continued: “I knew straight away I wanted to do it. It’s going to be a massive challenge, both physically and mentally but we are all capable of big things and need to push ourselves constantly.”
WDGU help young people by putting them through four weeks of training in the gym, seven weeks of education and mentoring and then put into a job. They have seen an astonishing 100% success rate.
The biggest challenge is the unknown
Faye said: “The way the world is now a days, I think it’s important we help each other and show each other as much love and support as we can and that’s exactly what WDGU is about. They make this city a better place by reminding people not to give up!”
She only started training recently with her personal trainer Fuel Up (Phil Heron), who is giving her tailored sessions to get her ready with lots of lower body weights and cardio.
She continued: “The biggest challenge is the unknown, I don’t know how my body is going to react to the altitude. All I can do is ensure I train hard, so my fitness is where it needs to be.”
If you would like to support Faye in her adventure and help raise money for the charity visit her GoFundMe here
Featured image by Faye Laverty