Liverpool’s Grand Central Hall is shutting its doors following allegations of rent arrears.
The landlords, Nextdom Properties Ltd, are claiming they are owed more than £1.2m in rent.
A statement by Nextdom Properties Ltd said: “We’ve extended a huge amount of goodwill to the operator and we have made this move with some regret.
“We feel for members of the public who are being inconvenienced.”
Maureen Bramwell, operator of the Grand Central Hall, The Dome Theatre, the Liffey pub and Nelly Foleys pub, released a statement on Twitter claiming that issues with the landlords have been ongoing for several years.
Bramwell’s spokesperson said that more than 300 complaints regarding the building and its facilities have been issued to the landlord, but have not been responded to.
Bramwell has since served the landlords with a High Court Order and claims that the landlord’s response to this was to lock her out.
— Maureen Bramwell (@maureenbram) March 29, 2022
“I am devastated,” said one member of the public. “I’m actually really sad.”
“If I knew my last time there was going to be my last ever time I would have taken advantage of it.”

Former Nelly Foley’s employee Jordan Chapman said: “It’s sad, especially the Liffey closing because it always had a great atmosphere and some really talented musicians played there too.
“The location has plenty of potential as well, so it’s a shame to see what’s happening.
“I hope they sort it out with the landlords, but it doesn’t look like they will.”
People took to Twitter to express their sadness at the news.
Grand Central Hall was a gr8 little venue in town, at least for a fan. Seen some gr8 concerts & wrestling shows there. Proper old school venue with a balcony around 3 sides of the building. It’ll be a shame if it’s closed down for good. £1.2m in rent owed doesn’t sound too good.
— UpperGwladysBlue 🇺🇦 (@UpperGwladysBlu) March 29, 2022
Sad to hear Grand Central Hall – another of Liverpool's music venues has shut down.
A fine space home to Liverpool Music Week plus top gigs including Mick Head, Warpaint, Richard Hawley, Love's Johnny Echols, All We Are, Idlewild, Bill Ryder-Jones & more.
Hope it returns soon.
— Peter Guy (@Getintothis) March 29, 2022