With temperatures predicted to hit all-time lows this winter, the risk of household hazards increases.
A combination of a rise in heating bills and faulty electrics can turn into a deadly mixture if not dealt with correctly.
The cost of utility bills is up 29% from winter 2022 which is forcing families with tight financials to look for alternatives to keep warm.
Space heaters have been the top choice. But Police and Fire Rescue have warned for households to steer clear when they can. Over 800 fires were caused by electrical heaters with a third of these resulting in fatalities.
So what are families supposed to do to cope?
The Health Security Agency recommend:
- try to heat rooms you spend a lot of time in, such as the living room or bedroom, to at least 18°C
- try to reduce draughts; you can fit draft excluders around doors cheaply
- keep your bedroom windows closed at night
- wear several layers of thinner clothing; this could keep you warmer than one thicker layer
If you need financial support or are affected by these problems then visit these links for support.
Government keep well this winter leaflet
Government improve energy efficiency advice
Government help to heat energy grants
Featured image (c) Michael Noel via Pexels.com