(C) Caradoc Hotel Facebook

A pub in Seaforth has had its license suspended, after a serious incident that left a man unconscious.

An application was made by Merseyside Police to review the license of The Caradoc Hotel following a serious incident on February 24 when officers were called to the premises.

At around 1:35am it was reported that a fight had broken out in the venue between several people carrying weapons. One man was knocked out.

Eight people entered the bar, two had bricks and one had a knife.

CCTV footage from the night shows drug use at the venue and alcohol being served after the bar should have stopped serving at midnight.

Sefton Subcommittee council decided on Monday that the license be suspended until a full hearing takes place on Friday 22nd March at Bootle Town Hall.

Local Policing Superintendent Paul Holden said: “We note the decision of the committee today and believe there was no option but to take this action following this serious incident. The suspension of the licence means officers can work with owners and management to address any issues that are causing concern, ahead of a full hearing.

“Merseyside Police is fully committed to making our bars and pubs safe and will not tolerate the violent use of dangerous weapons at night time venues in any of our communities.”

Featured image: (c) Caradoc Hotel Facebook


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