With the new year well under way, the NHS are encouraging the public to donate blood and save lives as their new years resolution as a new report from NHS Blood Transplant shows that during the Christmas week, hospital demand for blood outstripped donations by almost 3,000 units.
The statistics also showed that the demand for O negative blood, the most vital type of blood in emergencies, surpassed donations by over 900 units.
On average, figures on the NHS Blood and Transplant website state that:
- 4,300 blood donations are needed every day to meet the needs of hospitals.
- 140,000 first time donators are needed every year.
- 12,000 new black heritage donors are needed to meet growing demands for ethically matched blood.
- Younger people from ages 17-35 are needed to donate, to ensure there is enough blood for the future.
- More than a quarter of the British public will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime.
Seasonal illness, busy schedules leading to missed appointments and cold weather in the winter months often mean blood stocks are at an all time low, where hospital demand tends to increase.
As it stands, England is on Amber alert due to the decrease in donations- but there are 27 donor centres with availability across the UK in the coming months.
Liz Brown, 51, donates to Liverpool hospitals more than twice a year, to hear her advice listen to the audio report here:
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To read more about the donation process, visit: https://www.blood.co.uk/the-donation-process/
To find your local donation venue, visit: https://www.blood.co.uk/the-donation-process/about-our-donation-venues/
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