Abanazer from Aladdin panto (c) Anna Rainey
Abanazer from Aladdin panto (c) Anna Rainey

Aladdin is set to come to St Helen’s this Christmas in what is the Theatre Royal’s fastest-selling panto ever.

Emmerdale star Liam Fox will take the lead role as Abanazer.

He said “it’s been over 30 years since I last did a pantomime and over 12 years since I was last on stage, so I’m a tad nervous but raring to go…”.

Widow Twanky, otherwise known as Richard Aucott, who first played Dame, aged 18 told MNL why people should come to the show: “Have a laugh, have a joke, have a sing song. Just enjoy yoourself and forget about all the troubles”.

“Its such as a wonderful time, you can forget yourself.”

Lewis Devine, playing Wishee Washee, is a St Helens regular and currently in rehearsals for Jack and the Beanstalk. His past roles include Cinderella, Peter Pan and Snow-White.

He said: ” St Helen’s is a special place, regal, with the best pantomime’s on. I’m very very lucky to be part of the Regal family, it’s just amazing”.

To add to the magic there will be an all-new 3D interactive flying magic carpet and award-winning Radio City host Leanne Campbell will play a digital Genie.

Tim Lucas, Genie of the lamp photographed by Anna Rainey
Tim Lucas, Genie of the lamp photographed by Anna Rainey

The visuals are powered by state of the art audio visual technology.

Warren Donnelly will play PC Shameless – ‘the Henchman’s bad guy’ – which will entail chasing after Aladdin, getting up to mischief and looking after the princess”.

Additionally, stars in the show include Jess Smith, Tim Lucas, and Alex Aram.

The show will run from Saturday December 2 to Sunday January 14.

  • Tickets are available over the phone or through the box office between 10am and 5pm at St Helens Theatre Royal or online.



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