Steve Bayley started painting in 2016 after taking early retirement from his job as a financial director in the printing industry.
Since then Steve has tried multiple art media and styles – which is why he has chosen to call his latest exhibition “An eclectic mix” which is on at the AD Hub Gallery, Heswall.
He has always been friends with lifelong artists with whom he would go to exhibitions. Steve said: “I had always promised to take it up and they encouraged me and that’s when I took it up and after about 12 months of drawing and painting I joined a studio.”
Steve is based in Hub studio, situated in the old Cains Brewery Village in the Baltic area of Liverpool. He joined five years ago when he started taking lessons from local artists.
Although this is a new career path for Steve, he has always been interested in art because of his friends but he had never taken it up professionally until after early retirement.
Steve said: “Because I took it up when I did early retirement it means relaxation and enjoyment to me.
“I like exhibiting in galleries, which is great – and if you can sell a picture, that’s a bonus.
“Also what I didn’t realise with artists is the is such a big social side. I’ve met so many artists.”
In the future Steve plans to continue with exhibitions and enter some prestigious competitions and hopefully win one.
- Steve’s exhibition at the AD Hub Gallery runs until March 31.

Video report by Harriet Belderbos